Week 5 | 3/2
Week 5 Reflections | Eye
I decided to create an eye in an abstract manner, it expresses the emotion of feeling tired. The lines around it are both just a visual element, as well as bags under the eyes from lack of sleep, and eyebrows. For the eye I chose a soft color palette, most of all very close browns and beiges. Only in the place where the tears come from (what is it called...?) a bit of pink. I liked the result, it's very close to the original idea in my head.
Week 5 Reflections | Alien
For the second assignment, I came up with an alien resembling a cat. To create it, I used Pen Tool and made exactly half of it, copied and mirrored it. The nose and mouth were created with 4 circles and one rectangle, and the eye is a slightly horizontally stretched circle, so that its border would seem to flow from the ear. The whole alien is painted in a soft peach gradient to emphasize its cuteness and rounded shape like a spherical peach.